The IVOS II is a highly accurate, automated sperm analyzer that is an industry leader for Computer Assisted Sperm Analysis (CASA). Perform semen quality assessment for sperm count, & concentration; motile categories like static, slow, motile, progressive, slow cell; as well as all detailed kinematic values for each cell and the kinematic profiles for the entire population.
For over 30 years, Hamilton Thorne has been helping IVF professionals and animal researchers obtain sperm analysis results for applications in multiple markets. Our IVOS® II CASA system provides precise, objective, and repeatable results that you can trust.
- Unique color-coded illumination to optimize identification of the sperm head and tail
- Optical imaging with illumination system, heated stage, control, and computer hardware into one integrated unit
- Additional software modules for DNA Fragmentation, Morphology, and Fluorescence viability*
*availability of software modules varies per application
- Animal
Not for Clinical Diagnostic Procedures in USA – for research purposes only
Performing semen analysis is essential for evaluating male factor infertility in IVF applications. Our IVOS® II sperm analyzer provides an efficient, automatic method for performing semen assessment in the lab.
- Semen Analysis for counts, motility, progressive, concentration, volume
- DNA Fragmentation with SCD assay (Sperm Chromatin Dispersion Test)
- Sperm Morphology
IVOS II | Dimensions: H: 11.1in (282mm) W: 20.3in (515mm) D: 19.3 (490mm) Weight: 53lb (24.1kg) |
Objectives | Standard: 10x negative phase for motility, 100x brightfield for morphology, 20x brightfield for DNA fragmentation Optional: 4x, 10x UV, 20x, 40x, 60x, 100x |
Image Type | Negative phase contrast for motility, brightfield for DNA fragmentation and morphology |
Temperature Control | Heat from 20°C (Room Temperature + ~3°C) to 45°C |
Compatible Specimen Chambers | Type: 20 micron depth Slide and Makler for motility analysis |
Objectives | Image Type: Dark field, Bright field Phase Contrast, negative and positive LYKOS: 42mm x 32mm x 32mm ZILOS-tk: 42mm x 28mm x 54mm |
Image Acquisition | Frame Rate: 60 Hz Frames: 1 – 60 Field Selection: Automatic or manual |
Power Requirements | Input voltage: 110-240 VAC Power: 350 watt (max) Line Frequency: 50/60 Hz |
Features & Benefits
IVOS II (Integrated Visual Optics System) contains hardware and software that offers high-end performance while maintaining its ease of use. Spend less time on learning a new system with the IVOS® II’s intuitive Windows-based software platform. The settings for the integrated optics are made through the software and mechanical adjustments are rarely required.
The fast automated stage provides precise temperature control and easy sample positioning. Set the stage temperature from ambient to 40°C as the system remains constant to within the 0.5°C range. Program the stage for either manual or automatic field selection to fit your analysis workflow.
The IVOS® II sperm analyzer is powered by our user-friendly HT CASA software. Analyze immotile, motile, progressive, and total concentration using WHO 4, 5, or 6 parameters.
Color-coded Parameters and Interactive Illumination Check
- Motile sperm identified by color-coded tracks and static sperm identified by red dot.
- Unique color-coded Illumination helps optimize identification of the sperm head and tail.
- Motility track overlay on playback image and results may be visible or turned off.
Analysis Results Updated in Real Time
- WHO Standards and Analysis Results are updated in real-time as each field is added.
- Captured fields with motility tracks are displayed in video thumbnail gallery.
- Selecting a field from thumbnail gallery displays summary counts and kinematics.
- Each track can be selected and zoomed to display detailed results. Results can be saved to the database.

Internal Quality Control Modules
- Internal Quality Control (IQC) feature verifies microscope objective calibration daily
- Using standardized quality control materials of known concentrations, the IQC system tracks daily performance results before initiating patient samples.
- Findings are automatically tested to the Westgard Rules integrated into the software to provide Pass/Fail results for analytical runs with QC material. Results are displayed in a Levey-Jennings chart.
Optional Software Modules
The DIMENSIONS II Morphology software automatically classifies the morphology of fixed stained human sperm samples according to the Tygerberg strict criteria.
- Obtain objective, repeatable results when analyzing sperm for normal, sub-normal, or abnormal morphology.
- Display TZI (Teratozoospermia Index) results: The total number of defect points encountered during an analysis, divided by the number of Abnormal and Sub-normal cells.
- Classify sperm by morphological characteristics of the sperm head size and shape, acrosome, and tail.
- Compatible with Diff-Quick or Papanicolaou (PAP) stains.

DNA Fragmentation
The DNA Fragmentation Software for human semen samples evaluates the level of DNA integrity from sperm smears prepared with the Halosperm® G2 test kit from Halotech® DNA based on the Sperm Chromatin Dispersion (SCD) Test (Fernandez et al., J. Androl 24:59-66,2003; Fertil Steril 84:833-842,2005).
- Analyzes prepared sperm samples and measures the size of the halo (large halo, medium halo, small halo, or no halo).
- Displays the number and percentage of sperm showing a Large Halo, Medium Halo, Small Halo or No Halo.
- Categorizes cells as non-fragmented, fragmented, or degraded.
- Results are shown per selected field and per selected cell.

Optional Fluorescence
Fluorescence options are for Non-Clinical Research Use Only.
The optional IDENT® fluorescence module helps reduce counting errors and distinguish sperm from detritus. By using the IDENT® Stain – a specialized, DNA-specific, fluorescent dye, sperm can be easily visible under fluorescent lighting.
- Interactive illumination saves time identifying sperm heads. Select the IDENT® Fluorescence setup and set the Minimum Brightness so that sperm heads appear blue on the screen.
- The IVOS’s strobed illumination dramatically reduces phototoxic effects on the IDENT® stained sperm by limiting exposure to UV light.
- Fluorescent strobe minimizes bleaching of the stain and makes it possible to analyze fluorescently-stained, motile sperm (ideal for post-thaw motility studies).

The optional VIADENT™ fluorescence module helps identify live sperm cells vs dead sperm cells under standard and fluorescent illumination. The sperm cells are first identified and tracked under visible illumination as with standard analysis; then, fluorescence illumination is applied for one additional frame to identify non-viable sperm.
VIADENT™ staining process is quick and easy to use. Complete staining process within 2 minutes!
VIADENT™ stained samples allows the IVOS to analyze for viability under fluorescence illumination.

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Technical Support & Service Plans
Hamilton Thorne’s CASACare™ service plans offer economical and comprehensive coverage against unexpected repair costs and downtime. Two levels of service plans – Basic and Plus – are available for our CASA systems. The tiered plans give customers the flexibility to choose the features that best suit their needs.
Performing semen analysis is essential for various animal research studies and animal breeding in farm-animal systems or veterinary care settings. Our IVOS® II sperm analyzer provides an efficient, automatic method for performing semen assessment in the lab.
- Animal Breeding
- Animal Conservation
- Animal Production
- Animal Research
- Transgenics research
- Animal toxicology (TOX IVOS only)
IVOS II | Dimensions: H: 11.1in (282mm) W: 20.3in (515mm) D: 19.3 (490mm) Weight: 53lb (24.1kg) |
Objectives | Standard: 10x negative phase Optional: 4x, 10x UV, 20x brightfield, 40x brightfield, 60x brightfield, 100x brightfield |
Image Type | Darkfield, Brightfield Phase Contrast, Negative and Positive |
Temperature Control | Heat from 20°C (Room Temperature + ~3°C) to 45°C |
Compatible Specimen Chambers | Type: 10 – 100 micron depth (species and application specific) 20 micron depth Slide for breeder species motility analysis, 80-100micron depth slide for rodent analysis |
Objectives | Image Type: Dark field, Bright field Phase Contrast, negative and positive |
Image Acquisition | Frame Rate: 60 Hz Frames: 1 – 60 Field Selection: Automatic or manual |
Power Requirements | Input voltage: 110-240 VAC Power: 350 watt (max) Line Frequency: 50/60 Hz |
Features & Benefits
IVOS II (Integrated Visual Optics System) contains hardware and software that offers high-end performance and throughput speed in busy labs while maintaining its ease of use. Spend less time on learning a new system with the IVOS® II’s intuitive Windows-based software platform. The settings for the integrated optics are made through the software and mechanical adjustments are rarely required.
The fast automated stage provides precise temperature control and easy pre-programmed sample positioning, allowing for repeatability in analysis between technicians. Administrators can setup further automatic stage steps of analysis, verification, archiving and data transfer, to make high volume and rapid line speed analysis seemless.
Set the stage temperature from ambient to 40°C as the system remains constant to within the 0.5°C range. Program the stage for either manual or automatic field selection to fit your analysis workflow.
The IVOS® II sperm analyzer is powered by our user-friendly HT CASA software. Analyze static, motile, progressive, slow cell, and total concentration using set parameters or customized algorithms tailored to meet your research needs!
Animal modules for HT CASA software:
- HT CASA Animal Motility- suitable for animal research applications, transgenic animal models, universities, developmental biology, and more! Data view focused on research parameters. Choose the specific parameters for your animal study with the software’s unlimited user-defined analysis setups. Contains additional caudal counts.
- HT CASA Animal Breeder-suitable for animal breeding facilities, veterinarians, universities, farm animal studies, and animal production. Contains additional dosing parameters, a fully automated and customizable tail morphometry detection*, and scoring of doses based on users’ category of normal or abnormal. Defect detection includes: proximal droplets, distal droplets, bent tails, coiled tails, and Distal Midpiece Reflex. *Species and media specific by optical clarity
- HT CASA Boar Breeder-software specific for swine breeding facilities with dose criteria and calculations for boar semen. Contains additional dosing parameters with fully automated and customizable tail morphometry detection and dose scoring based on users’ definition of normal or abnormal. Defect detection includes: proximal droplets, distal droplets, bent tails, coiled tails, and Distal Midpiece Reflex.
- HT CASA Equine Breeder- software specific for equine breeding facilities with dose criteria and calculations for stallion semen. Contains additional dosing parameters to allow for individual doses or batch dose creation.
- HT CASA Animal Toxicology- suitable for toxicology studies, DART studies, drug safety assessment, CROs, pharmaceutical studies, or environmental toxicity studies. Learn more about our TOX IVOS® II sperm analyzer with Animal Toxicology software.
Contact our sales team for further information regarding your specific application!
Color-coded Parameters and Interactive Illumination Check
- Motile sperm identified by color-coded tracks and static sperm identified by red dot.
- Unique color-coded Illumination helps optimize identification of the sperm head and tail.
- Motility track overlay on playback image and results may be visible or turned off.

Analysis Results Updated in Real Time
- Data in the Results panel reflect the entire population of cells analyzed. Analysis and Dosing results are updated in real-time as each field is added to the analysis.
- Results are saved within image and video gallery. Re-analyze using saved settings or new set of parameters.
- Selecting a track from the playback image opens up a zoomed image of the cell. Kinematic Measurements are relative only to the selected track. The video may be played or scrolled through frame by frame.

Analysis Output
Simplify your research with customized parameters to meet your animal research needs! The intuitive HT CASA software provides quantitative results for the following parameters:
- Total, Static, Motile, Progressive, Slow
(Choice of billion or million) - Concentrations:
Total, Static, Motile, Progressive, Slow (Choice of billons/ml or millions/ml) - Percentages:
%Total, %Static, %Motile, %Progressive, %Slow - Doses:
Extender Volume
Final Volume
Adjusted Concentration
Number of Doses - Kinematic Measures:
DAP, DSL, DCL, VAP, VSL, VCL, ALH, STR, LIN, BCF, WOB (Average, SD, Median) - Morph Averages:
Head Length, Head Width
Head Perimeter, Head Area
Tail Length, Tail Straightness
Droplet Distance, Droplet Frame Count
Bent Tail Count, Coiled Tail Count,
DMR Count
Customized Reports
- Analysis results can be exported via ASCII file output.
- Display sperm analysis results with user-friendly drag and drop report designer.
Optional Software Modules
The HT Morph morphology software automatically classifies the morphology of fixed stained animal sperm samples according to the researcher’s parameters. HT Morph assesses each sperm cell for size, shape, acrosome, tail, and cytoplasmic droplets. The measured values are then compared to the user-defined parameters for classification as normal, abnormal, or rejected cells.
- Obtain objective, repeatable results when analyzing sperm for normal or abnormal morphology.
- Classify sperm by morphological characteristics of the sperm head size and shape, acrosome, and tail based on your standards.
- Create an unlimited number of rule sets to represent a variety of species.
- Review results in real-time with the ability to override system classification or delete cell from analysis.
- Compatible with a variety of high contrast stains, such as Stat II, Diff-Quik and Papinicoulau (PAP).

DNA Fragmentation
The Animal DNA Fragmentation Software is designed to evaluate the level of DNA integrity of semen samples prepared with the Halomax® (Bos taurus or Mus Musculus) test kit from Halotech® DNA based on the Sperm Chromatin Dispersion (SCD) Test.
- Analyzes prepared sperm samples and measures the size of the halo (large halo, medium halo, small halo, or no halo).
- Categorizes cells as non-fragmented, fragmented, or degraded.
- Results are shown per selected field and per selected cell.
- Available for mouse and bovine models.

Optional Fluorescence
Fluorescence options are for Non-Clinical Research Use Only.
The IVOS II with IDENT® fluorescence system model helps reduce counting errors and distinguish sperm from detritus. By using the complementary IDENT® Stain – a specialized, DNA-specific, fluorescent dye, sperm can be easily visible under fluorescent lighting.
- Interactive illumination saves time identifying sperm heads. Select the IDENT® Fluorescence setup and set the Minimum Brightness so that sperm heads appear blue on the screen.
- The IVOS’s strobed illumination dramatically reduces phototoxic effects on the IDENT® stained sperm by limiting exposure to UV light.
- Fluorescent strobe minimizes bleaching of the stain and makes it possible to analyze fluorescently-stained, motile sperm (ideal for post-thaw motility studies).

The optional VIADENT™ fluorescence module helps identify live membrane intact sperm cells vs dead sperm cells under standard and fluorescent illumination. The sperm cells are first identified and tracked under visible illumination as with standard analysis; then, fluorescence illumination is applied for one additional frame to identify non-viable sperm.
- VIADENT™ staining process is quick and easy to use. Complete staining process within 2 minutes!
- VIADENT™ stained samples allows the IVOS to analyze for viability under fluorescence illumination.

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Technical Support & Service Plans
Hamilton Thorne’s CASACare™ service plans offer economical and comprehensive coverage against unexpected repair costs and downtime. Two levels of service plans – Basic and Plus – are available for our CASA systems. The tiered plans give customers the flexibility to choose the features that best suit their needs.
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